Price search results for VALCOM V 1450 In Wall Speaker
VALCOM V-1450 In-Wall Speaker Valcom in-wall speaker Signature series One-way only High-fidelity audio quality Simply recess in a more
VALCOM V-1450 In-Wall Speaker Valcom in-wall speaker Signature series One-way only High-fidelity audio quality Simply recess in a wall and either paint or wallpaper over for a INCHhidden INCH speaker White metal grille Built-in amplifier Built-in volume control Dimensions: 12 INCHHx 8.
65 INCHW x 3.
2 INCHD Weight: .
5lbs VALCOM POWER UNITS: (-4) Features: Self-Amplified : Yes Volume Control Knob : Yes Watts : 6 Dimensions (LxWxH) : 14.
5 inches x 10.
5 inches x 4.
5 inches Weight : 4 lbs Energy Star Qualified : No Recycled Packaging : Yes Country of Origin : USA (provided by manufacturer, not verified) RoHS Compliant : No Type of Packaging : Brown Box Warranty : 1 year
65 INCHW x 3.
2 INCHD Weight: .
5lbs VALCOM POWER UNITS: (-4) Features: Self-Amplified : Yes Volume Control Knob : Yes Watts : 6 Dimensions (LxWxH) : 14.
5 inches x 10.
5 inches x 4.
5 inches Weight : 4 lbs Energy Star Qualified : No Recycled Packaging : Yes Country of Origin : USA (provided by manufacturer, not verified) RoHS Compliant : No Type of Packaging : Brown Box Warranty : 1 year